Aston Sports and Community Club, also known as Aston Sports Club (ASC) are developing a safer, healthier and more self-sufficient community by bringing people together in a shared space using shared activity.

ASC will act as a community catalyst, to empower residents of Aston to run their own activities, to share the area and to build safe, prosperous and healthier lives in their own areas.

ASC will do this by bringing together leaders in the area to deliver activity that addresses the needs and barriers in the area towards that safe, healthy and prosperous future.

ASC will stick to its core values of:

Equality: that irrespective of race, colour, culture, sexuality, age or disability, all members of the Aston community have an inalienable right to participate socially and practically, as participants and leaders.

Quality: that activities and projects delivered under the umbrella of ASC should be be of the utmost quality, practical within the circumstances and with safety and welfare of participants and leaders the highest priority.

Unity: that Aston is best served when people from the area, of any type, are brought together through shared concerns and interests.

 Introducing... The people that make it all happen

Aston Sports Club
Matt Kendall -, Mubashshir Chikhliwala -, Dionne Donnelly -, Luana Botas -, Gianluca Lauri -, Yunis, Muji, Zaheda

Aston Cricket Club Mohammed Abid, Farukh, Sid, Humza, Zahid

Aston Football Club Mohammed Juned, Zikel, Liam, Wardy

Bidgley Power Badminton Pritesh Pattni, Harun Raza, Alfu, Ash

1st Reaction Gym Aki, Sajid (Saji) Hussain

Humayun Ahmed, Rushna Khatun, Razna

Sister 2 Sister Faeeza Vaid, Ally Sultana, Pamela Castrom

Voice of Aston Sajid (Saji) Hussain


We are pleased to acknowledge the support of our major national charity sponsors